Thursday, September 2, 2010

Avatar (2009) is a fraud! "I don't know if we're crazier for letting you do this, or if you're crazier for thinking you can do this." an unnamed Fox executive speaking to the director of Avatar

"I sent for you, O Greeks, to show you the folly of this Median captain, who, when he enjoyed such fare as this, must needs come here to rob us of our penury." Pausaneas
  "I fear that you may perhaps be indisposed to the performance of this enterprise; And that I alone shall suffer for so grievous a crime; But they answered him and said, 'we all swear, and bind ourselves by mutual execrations, that we will not change our intention, but execute our projected undertaking.' They then swore all together, and bound themselves by mutual execrations."  From the Book of Enoch

  "Throughout all the symbolism of masonry, from the first to the last degree, the search for the WORD has been considered but as a symbolic expression for the search after TRUTH."  Edward L Hawkings

"And it must be understood that a prince (or King of the World)....can not observe all those things which are considered good in men, being often obliged, in order to maintain the state, to act against faith, against charity, against humanity, and against religion."

"Hollywood filmmakers have eagerly turned themselves into propagandists for perpetual war and apologists for crimes against humanity."  Nicholas Schou 

   The purpose of this blog is to illuminate how the movie Avatar (2009) is a plagiarized fraud which exists because of the use of the novel Bishop's Gait (2003). Therefore the Avatar-themed attraction at Disney World is based off of a plagiarized movie and equally illicit.   

  This is a sick tale of illegitimate wealth.   
  "Let's get it straight up front, I don't want your pity. IF YOU WANT A FAIR DEAL YOU'RE ON THE WRONG PLANET. The strong prey on the weak, that's just the way things are."
  Some of the first lines uttered in the movie Avatar (2009) will reveal not only the impression I'd apparently given these people about myself, and their level of comfort and surety so to act, but also their obsession with boastful taunts. Which is in all probability why the director of Avatar's goofy friend, Spielberg, so quickly named a character in one of his productions Kyle Bishop.
   Message received; and not unlike the poor soul who forgot to reset the Enigma Machine, is now available for all to peruse.
  "I warn you beforehand so to have pity on others that others may not have to take pity on you." Plautus 
 Athena Press, the former publisher for Bishop's Gait, went into voluntary liquidation several months after I contacted them regarding the following issue. There has been no disclosure about the Athena Press liquidation because the liquidation of Athena Press was done under the name of Wilbury Solutions LTD. An interesting statement from the liquidator - "During the course of the liquidation, the Liquidator, with the assistance of Ward Hadaway Solicitors, investigated the possible recovery of monies PAID INTO FOREIGN BANK ACCOUNTS by the authors, which was not listed on the Statement of Affairs. Despite numerous requests by the Liquidator, evidence of these accounts was not provided either by the directors or their accountants. As the directors no longer reside in the U.K., and have not provided forwarding addresses to the Liquidator, there is no likelihood of the recovery of these monies." I.E. PANAMA PAPERS (or the Mossack Fonseca papers to be polite to Panama). The Mossack Fonseca law firm, where the Great Whore of Babylon and the naked emperors of the world all meet to get it on. "There is now no denying that lawyers can no longer be permitted to regulate one another. It simply doesn't work!"
   Athena Press was apparently more concerned about choosing from the long list of American attorney's to help them launder their bribe money ("therefore we must not stop at bribery, deceit, and treachery when they should serve towards the attainment of our ends") then about any consequences that may arise from breaking U.S. copyright law.  Because every indication is that U.S. copyright law is the most useless entity ever devised by civilized humanity.
  Could the director of Avatar's (2009) abrupt and disjointed comment during a Gamespot interview about "during the making of the film somebody selling the rights off in some sleazy manner" pertain to this hideous situation?
   Athena Press was a joint-venture publisher based out of the U.K (London).  The same country (London) where a swirling tempest of perverted filth surrounds the Murdoch media empire as being a highly corrupt conglomerate for it's fair and balanced approach to phone-tapping and bribery. The same country (London) where the premier viewing for Avatar (2009) was shown. The same country where the ex-Prime Minister not only looks like and sounds like the director of Avatar (2009), and shares his last name, but whose appointee was exposed whoring it up with the Fox Whorehouse.  This is the same director who has a plagiarist past, and the same name, London, ON, where the Avatar themed Cirque Du plagiarist tour kicked off.  Is it not strange that 20th Century Fox should have landed the movie Avatar (2009) considering what lies on the pages ahead?
  It has been brought to my attention that Athena Press, despite the language in the contract that we both agreed to, which stated that "The Publisher shall take all necessary steps to register record and protect the copyright on behalf of the author," and "The Publisher shall deliver two copies of the book to the Library of Congress of the United States of America," and they shall obey "the definition of the Copyright Law of the United States of America and related laws contained in title 17 of the United States code," never actually went through with any of this, even though the copyright symbol and warning as to this symbols legitimacy clearly exists on the appropriate pages. 
  Also, according to the United States Copyright Office, "all works under copyright protection that are published in the U.S. are subject to the mandatory deposit provision of the copyright law." The "mandatory deposit applies to works first published in a foreign country at the point at which they are distributed in the U.S. in the form of copies that are imported or are part of an American edition." Furthermore it states that "in general, the owner of copyright or the owner of the exclusive right of publication in the work has a LEGAL OBLIGATION to deposit in the Copyright Office, within three months of publication in the U.S." the necessary copies. The signed contract has an address assigned to Brickell Bay, Miami, Fla, U.S.A., even though the book was first published in the U.K.
  What this all means is that not only was the contract was breached, but Athena Press broke a U.S. copyright law. Though this fact has escaped the attention of the liquidator of Athena Press, Silke and Co., and a new publisher called G2rights LTD, who is also based out of the U.K., and who is currently in possession of and continuing to try and sell this contraband despite the evidence of the contract's invalidity.
  A first version of Bishop's Gait was registered with the Library of Congress back in January of 2000 by myself preceding any involvement with Athena Press. And the U.S. government can place sanctions on any country that fails to protect a federally registered U.S. copyright.
  By registering a book before it is published this is supposed to assign something called a 'presumption of validity' in legal talk to everything being brought forth concerning this issue.  Because it becomes 1/2000 vs 12/2009. Who knows if these "floating fragments" of "this movie I had in my head for most of my life in some form or other," as the director claims, the story of which he "massaged" into the movie Avatar (2009) will ever materialize.   
     First, here are some interesting characteristics attributed to the Greek Goddess Athena, all of which are very relevant to the indictment which follows thereafter.
   She was the Goddess of war, protector of heroes, and defender of walls, fortresses and harbors.  She did not love war for it's own sake, but recognized the advantages that it could bring to the state.  Industry and invention were also under her care.  She could bestow youth and majesty on her favorites with a staff, and plague with storms on her enemies.  She was the Goddess of wisdom, and she had the ability to assume several different appearances as if in disguise.  In one case she helped Odysseus, who was bent on revenge, by concealing him in a cloud so he would not be recognized.
   The movie Avatar (2009) promotes a heavy military-type theme.  Many advantages could be derived from certain industries by a steady influx of new recruits by glorifying war. In fact, just two weeks before this movie was released, the then President of the U.S. (a lower-ranking freemason, see below) bypassed both congress and the U.S. Constitution and somehow personally authorized an additional 30,000 troops to be sent into war. The target audience for this movie would be right in line with restocking those shelves.  The original appearance of Athena Press was their disguise for feeding another agenda that was not to be recognized. It makes sense in any business to choose as the name or image of their company an individual whose life's alignments would meet desired requirements. 
   Athena Press was previously known as Minerva Publishing Company.  Their symbol was the owl.  Minerva was the Roman version of Athena, both of whom held the owl as sacred.  And both Athena and Minerva are representations of the earlier Egyptian earth mother goddess Isis. The advertisement that I acted on for the Minerva Publishing Company was found in an American Legion magazine, just as if these criminals were trying to scam some old war veterans.
   And yet the most astonishing part of all of this is that Athena was responsible for maintaining the authority of law, justice, and order in the courts.  Is the modern day form of law, which requires supplying an attorney a blasphemous and outlandish sum of money for representation, one of Athena's creations of bestowing favor and protection on her favorites? An esquire is defined as a shield or armor bearer, and it makes little sense how the nearly twenty or so attorneys that have been contacted about this issue would each 'deflect' this issue off in their own way when something called 'statutory damages' would apply.  Up to $100,000 in attorney's fees if the plagiarism is proven to be willful in intent, which the following pages will clearly demonstrate.    
   All of the comparisons that follow between Bishop's Gait (2003) and Avatar (2009) have evidently passed the 'ordinary observer test' due to a recent review of Bishop's Gait.
    Lastly, in 1737, in a speech to a congregation of freemasons in Paris, a knight of the order of Lazarus, named Andrew Michael Ramsay, admitted, in what was later to be known as the Ramsay Oration, that the roots of the masonic movement had originated from the mystery school's of Goddess worship.  The director of the movie Avatar is a 33rd degree freemason, or Sovereign Grand Inspector General, which is supposed to be the highest level achievable within that organization.  All degrees past the first three original ones are superfluous and unnecessary and could not be better described than "an occasion of expense to their dupes, and an abundant and lucrative resource for those who make a profitable traffic of their pretended instructions." "The first degree will be subordinated to the second, that to the third, and so on in order to the sublime, Thirty-third, and last, which will watch over all the others, will correct their errors and will govern them...". - *(A section at the end of this blog has been devoted to deciphering the symbolism in Athena Press's emblem.)
   Now, on the following pages, as far as proving that the source of power for the story for the movie Avatar (2009) came from Bishop's Gait (2000-2003) very little of relevance has been left out.
  If you were to read Bishop's Gait (2000-2003), which I am the author of, and then watch the movie Avatar (2009), one will notice strikingly similar events taking place.
  In Bishop's Gait, as well as the movie, there is the capitalist intrusion into a resource abundant land in which a conflict occurs between the indigenous people to the extent to which the capitalists need to confine themselves to a compound type of living within walls or fences.  The main character in the book, Seldom, has to travel a great distance in the beginning of the story to get back to his home which is in the surrounding hills around the walled city.  On this journey at one point he needs to tree himself because of a pack of roving wolves. There are references to packs of wild dogs on (pages 60 and 68.) The main character in the movie also travels a great distance too in the beginning of the story, though he goes to the walled city (or compound). At one point in the movie he too gets attacked by a roving pack of wild dogs.
  As soon as the main character in the movie gets to the walled city (or compound) he attends a rousing speech given by the leader of this place which is designed to rally the troops about all the dangers that lie "outside that fence". I would easily credit this speech to one of the many that Hanus Skeemer gives in the book, (pages 56 -59, 76 - 82, 91 - 92) where he denotes his concerns about what lay "outside these walls".  The producer of the movie in the capturing Avatar segment makes reference to the time and place "where he makes his first speech," indicating that this character is set to make even more speeches. Both Hanus in the book and the character who is Hanus in the movie are introduced in setting where they can overlook, i.e. a balcony/tower.
  It has been admitted at Avatar wikipedia, that "the director of the movie rewrote the script to combine several of the characters". The capitalist who gives this speech in the movie would more resemble the militarist character, Uptite, in the book, though their version of Hanus Skeemer does exist, Hanus and Uptite have been given more of an even role in the movie, and Uptite has been given more of the colloquial duties. The character who I believe would be playing Hanus in the movie is still airy and condescending, and at times can be very treacherous in his approach to dealing with the indigenous.
  It also stood out how in this speech he points out that the bows of these indigenous warriors are made from "naturally occurring carbon fiber."  In Bishop's Gait, it is referenced, probably too many times, how Hemp is used in virtually every object that the indigenous use.  It is a conflict between a "weaving culture, and one with a high level of technology," as the director admits in the capturing Avatar segment of the DVD. This would point to the ideological comparisons between the two projects, because they would be "exactly" the opposite of each other.  The book promotes hemp and agrarianism and represents primarily the indigenous side, the movie promotes technology and corporations and represents primarily the capitalist side.  These different means will lead to the same end however. This will be covered more later, as what I would call the agenda filling scenes.
   When Seldom enters the forest for the first time on his return journey home, he is on a path and is described how "he once again became aware of his senses" (page 23). When the main character in the movie goes outside for the first time in the outdoor pen at the base as the indigenous alien he clearly acts to this effect, I believe, as exactly described in the writing.  This character then joyfully kicks up dirt on a path.
   When the Trudy character is introduced  in the movie, she states that she needs the main character to accompany her on a mission due to they're being a man short.  When Brosaline is introduced in the book she is asked to accompany a delegation "due to an unforeseeable occurrence, another representative from the village will be needed."  Brosaline comes from Lideria, the village in the sky.  She has this conversation in the view of an "awesome series of snow capped mountains off in the distance."  The movie has mountains which float in the sky.  (pages 43 - 46)
   There is a very rare and precious metal (or mineral) discovered, or already known to be in the ground, that is highly prized and sought after by these capitalists and seemingly in possession of the indigenous.  This is the main theme and driving force for the make-up and conflict of the entire story in both the movie and the book. The descriptions given of this metal on (pages, 27, 127 -128,) would match that of a superconductor, capable of creating a 'maglev effect' which is what it is described as being in the movie, because this metal resists and repels everything.  This metal or (mineral) is what the indigenous use for arrowheads in the book, and the air surrounding it in flight actually squeezes it and helps to push it along. 
  There is a betrayal which occurs of one individual who goes from one side to the other.  In the movie their capitalist character, who is also the main character, infiltrates the indigenous population.  He essentially plays both parts of the characters Selowt and Seldom in the book throughout the movie. In the book, the indigenous character named Selowt simply switches sides and goes over to the capitalists. This character in both cases gives precise and valuable information about how to gain access to this metal.  And it is stated in both cases that the militarist character acknowledges all the valuable "intel" (language used in the movie) or "information" (language used in the book) that this character provides for the purpose of this end.  The end result being in both cases is that the indigenous people get screwed and displaced over this metal (or mineral).  In both of these instances the character doing the betraying gets accepted and is shown the ways and customs of the group he is entering.  (pages 35 - 43)
  Within the indigenous population in the book is a group of a highly adept warrior class, who are experts at understanding, using and traversing the forest, which also hunts developers, poachers and miners, which is the same as the movie. They provide the only barrier to a capitalist takeover. (pages 11 - 13)
  In the movie, a small group of capitalists embark on an expedition to collect biological samples and data from the forest.  In the book, a small group of capitalists embark on a special mission to collect samples of rock which contain particles of this highly-precious metal in it, so they can best determine the location of this metal. In both cases, the character Selowt, or who would be the character Selowt in the movie, because some of the characters have been combined, take part on this mission (page 51 - 55).  It is interesting, because in the book these sample-takers need to quickly flee because they get attacked by the indigenous warriors.  In the movie, they get attacked by some creatures, yet only the main character (who would also be Selowt in the book), flees. 
  The first creatures to disrupt the sample taking venture in the movie were described to be involving themselves in a "territorial display".  Their herd runs off when they see the black cat-like creature emerge.  This is the creature which causes the character in the movie to run.  In the book, two tigers get into a battle over territorial issues, and they ultimately extinguish Seldom's fire by rolling over it.  One tiger runs off.  The running character (main character) in the movie soon switches into what Seldom does in the book.  In the beginning of the book, Seldom finds himself alone in the forest on his return journey home (pages 25 - 29).  Night has descended. He resets his arrowheads, listens to the many different forest sounds, and builds a fire.  The main character in the movie after fleeing at this point, is alone in the forest at night, sharpening a spear, listening to the forest sounds, and building a fire (a large torch).
  What would be the next day in the book, Seldom finds himself walking through the forest into what would be an ambush site (pages 32 - 35).  It is stated how he "most likely walked right underneath some of them when I entered into this field".  The main character in the movie walks right underneath the Neytiri character who is plainly trying to ambush him.
  Soon after this point, when night descends, the main character in the movie gets attacked by the wild dogs, as he reveals them with his torchlight.  He then gets severe assistance in saving his life from the female indigenous character whose name is Neytiri. This part is similar to the part in the book where Seldom meets up with the very strong female characters Alindas and Zoel (pages 108 -118), who are part of the indigenous population and could be characterized as being almost human because their eyes would at times become "luminous as giant fireflies", and "flickering", and who could also possess the same physical capabilities as the indigenous in the movie.
  In the capturing Avatar segment of the movie, Robert Stromberg describes the introduction of the "bio-luminescence" activity of the landscape at this time.  That would mean the creating of light without heat.  The word "luminous" may not apply exactly correct, but the mention of fireflies would, as they can create light without heat.
  In the book the bodies of these two females are described as being "svelte", "fit", "sleek", "feral", and "exotic", and they both "possessed an exotic type of beauty that would be intimidating under normal circumstances".  Combine this with the fact that Bishop, who is a tiger character in the book, is somewhat compatible to these two women and their clan, would help to explain why the indigenous people in the movie have an almost-human, big-cat like appearance.  The director of the movie in the capturing Avatar segment admits to the "cat's ears, cat tails, and feline nose".  These physical characteristics are something he admits to just have "arrived at".
  Also the director admits that "the blue part for the aliens was never in question."  This is also like saying that everything else about makeup of these aliens at one time was in question.  Attention to the fact that a Halloween decoration of a standing skeleton man which was placed under a black light was uploaded to my MySpace page somewhere back in 2006 which strongly resembles the color that these Navi characters take on should also be used as evidence. MySpace is/was owned by News Corp.
  The Navi characters in the movie are nothing more than a combination of the three types of characters that are left to fight the capitalist invasion in the book, which would be the big cat, Alindas and Zoel's clan, and the indigenous warriors.  The writing in the book describes the culmination of all three of these characters which happens virtually in a very short span coming together like this - "but Seldom knew that if they formed an alliance (with Alindas and Zoel), along with Bishop, he would have acquired some imposing allies" (page 117).
  Bishop acted as a wall to prevent Alindas and Zoel from attacking Seldom.  The extremely svelte and exotically beautiful female Navi character acted as a wall from preventing the wild dogs from attacking the main character in the movie.  She even hisses, with ears back like a cat in this scene, and then extinguishes Seldom's fire.
   Mention of this extraordinary similarity between the two types of characters in the movie and the book was brought forth by Laz Alonzo in the capturing Avatar segment. He plays one of the indigenous warrior characters.  He states that, "They (the indigenous warrior characters) only exhibit speed or power when they absolutely have to.  Until they explode.  When they explode they move like the wind".  Here is the character Zoel from the book speaking to this effect, "In our village, we have always regarded the tiger as the most supreme of all beings.  We believe that we have been graced with part of this animal in our spirit.  We don't know why we act the way we do, and it takes many cycles to control the urges.  But we only act that way when we feel we are left with no other option" (page 130).  And something else from earlier in the book states, "They (Alindas and Zoel) possessed incredible speed, because they'd covered all that ground just as if they had flown it" (page 113).
  The main character in the movie after this incident asks this female character "what's your name?"  As if reciting. Seldom in the book asks the female characters, "do you speak" as if reciting. To both questions the exotic, sleek, fit and female character(s) act unfazed.
   There is another part in the movie which would correspond to the book at this point.  As the main character and the Neytiri character begin to 'travel together' in the forest after she saves his life, the main character then gets attacked by some members of her village.  He falls hard to the ground in a punishing fashion with two encumbered limbs. They coral the main character along and parade him in front of the rest of their village because he ultimately needs to be judged by their leader as to his worthiness.  Neytiri explicitly says, "this is a matter for their leader," before they rush him away. In the book, the characters Jesterin and Ashord ultimately get corralled and paraded through the streets of Hindrats.  All the while they are receiving some punishing blows then crashing hard to the ground with two encumbered limbs by some guards in order to be judged for their crimes (pages 201 - 218).
  The capitalists in both the movie and the book brazenly cut a path through the dense forest directly to a very sacred place to the indigenous in both cases.  In the movie it is towards a sacred tree, (though in the movie it was admitted that "the dozer's will be moving in on the spot where the metal is in three months") in the book it was towards the warrior's sacred mountain (where this metal is located). There are large machines employed and great pains being taken in order to achieve this end.  The indigenous warriors in both cases are caught in the path of this destructive swath. (pages 106 -107)
  There is a very large tree described in the book which holds great significance in relation to where this metal is located, it plays the role of a marker, as it is a plot on a map in finding some of this metal.  There is very large tree which sits atop this precious metal in the movie, which also serves as a marker, and also the high-up home of the indigenous characters.  At the point in the book where these indigenous warriors are literally standing in the shadow of this gigantic tree, they are witnessing a incredibly massive flock of flock birds infesting the area.  This is how the writing describes this scene - "The entire area swarmed with these flock birds, and every tree in the immediate vicinity 'HOUSED' more than what should have been expected of them.  Their 'AERIAL COMMUNITY' could land in any area they wanted, and the locals would just have to deal with them until they left" (pages 258 - 262).
  Both the tree in the movie and the drill in the book get shot up terribly, as streaks of light follow these projectiles in both cases as they spiral into their target (pages 282 - 285).  Both the drill and the tree crash thunderously to the ground.  The proximity of the metal (or mineral) to both the drill in the book and the tree in movie would be the same.
  And I noticed that the movie does have its version of a giant drill which "feverishly whirls away" (pages, 162, 196), and "patches of the drill's prior activity scarred the hillside in several salient spots". This happens more towards the beginning of the movie.
  The tree in the movie does take more direct shots than the drill in the book.  However, if one were to read the part in the book where Larden's hut gets shot up, which does take most likely as many shots as this tree, this may explain why at the end of this scene in the movie the old man, who is the indigenous leader, is lying wounded and near death on the ground.  The tree was the indigenous leader's home. Larden, who is the indigenous warrior leader in the book, was in the same state after his hut got shot up.  The old man in the movie gives his bow to his daughter before dying.  Larden gives a map to his distant relative, Seldom, before he dies. (pages 151 - 156)
  There is a deliberate attempt in the writing of the book to omit certain words from being used and an emphasis on using others in there place, to where it can be argued that the characters in the story do have there own language just like in the movie.
  There is a huge emphasis on nature and spirituality by using otherworldly and grandiose nature scenes, this point pervades profusely both throughout the book and the movie as if one is being oppressed by the landscape.  All the landscape features are large or grand.
  In the book there is one very vivid dream scene which takes place, and several other parts where the mystery of sleeping and dreaming is emphasized and expounded on as the characters sleepily drift off into what would seem to be another world or another existence.  The word "dream" appears nine times that I counted in this context, and a character falls asleep or some mention is given to sleep being received or lacked twelve times.  The main character in the book could be described as being somewhat of a dreamer.
  In the movie this is a large part of their story as well, and the main character in the movie at one point states that "all the days are blurring together", because of his constant and hurried pace.  Seldom maintains a relentless pace throughout the book because of all the walking and hiking he has to do, and it is described how he becomes worn down and he begins loosing track of the days.
  The director states in his 45 page on-line declamation defending Avatar, that "it must be stressed that the operator of the remotely controlled body, in the film Avatar, is not asleep or dreaming."  Although in the capturing Avatar segment he states that "we wanted it (the movie) to have a kind of dream-like quality." Also, at the beginning of the movie the main character states that he "had strange dreams while he was in the V.A. hospital," and again later he states that "in cryo you don't dream at all." When he first uses the machine to control the avatar humanoid in the movie there are two instances where rapid eye movement is emphasized, and he needs to be sternly revived when this session is finished as he is clearly unconscious.  These humanoid avatar's are referred to as "dream walkers" twice by the indigenous.  The main character states that, "I was a warrior who dreamed he could bring peace.  Sooner or later though we always have to wake up." At another time the main character declares that "in here is the dream and out there is the real world," and later on he needs to embark on a "dream hunt" or "dream quest" to be accepted by the clan, and the scenes have a tendency to switch over only after one of these avatar humanoids goes to sleep.  And the muscled militarist says to the main character near the end of the movie that, "You think you're one of them, time to wake up."
  There are many different references to birds in the book, such as the flock birds which take up residence in the very big tree, Larden's hunting bird, crows, ravens, ducks, geese, the small colorful and mirthful birds in Hanus's private park, the thousands of soaring birds in pursuit of the fallen sun, and the dozens of hawks which circled and swooped high above the Great Peat Moss Forest.
  The bird-like creatures in the movie are found in an absolutely identical (pages 121 - 131, 138 - 161) type of landscape as the Great Peat Moss Forest in the book. The reason why several of the characters in the book enter into this forest is to speak with Larden, who is a bit of a recluse.  Directly before the dialogue in this scene in the book takes place, three entire consecutive paragraphs are devoted completely to illustrating this bird activity (page 142).  It is Larden's hunting bird, which is an eagle, which descends from it's lofty realm and deftly lands on it's perch to give shrill shrieks to announce his presence and to introduce this scene.
  The bird-like creatures in the movie must be domesticated or subdued before the Navi can fly them. And although, again, in his online declamation defending Avatar, the director describes how originally he wanted these creatures (the banshees) to be a type of "manta ray".  Yet for some reason this turned into, as the explanation part of the DVD describes, wanting these "banshee creatures to resemble a bird of prey, like an eagle".
   The numerous references in the book like "connecting with this great land" - "all of our roots lead back to this great land" - "all one with the weeds" - "the web that supports us all" - "make it appear as if he too had roots", - is the reason why the indigenous characters in the movie literally plug themselves into the animals or the trees.  And taking a closer look at the tips of these tentacle-type appendages which protrude from the characters which they then connect themselves to an animal or landscape feature, will reveal another distinguishing characteristic that, again, intrinsically ties the basis for the story to the movie Avatar directly to Bishop's Gait.
  In a response to an Entertainment Weekly question regarding the latest lawsuit against his movie by a British artist, the director states "back in my pot smoking days" he may have noticed this individuals artwork.
  The reddish-orange, curly-haired tips of these tentacle-type appendages in the movie are in fact a play on the reddish-orange, curly hairs which thrive on a marijuana bud indicating the time to harvest.  This is a point that's H.A.A.R.P.'ed (refer to the director's interest in placing a satellite in space) on continuously throughout Bishop's Gait.  The choice to name the planet Pandora in the movie is no coincidence.
  In the book a small group of these highly adept warriors embark on a special mission to obtain weapons which will be needed in the final conflict with the capitalists. On this trip a bridge of fallen logs needs to be crossed.  What I originally thought was a fallen log that the characters cross in the movie was discovered to be actually a collection of vines twisted together, because, again, the landscape that the banshee creatures are found in the movie is absolutely identical with the Great Peat Moss Forest in the book.  A great deal of space can be devoted to writing down all of the similarities which occur in this part of the movie concerning this landscape, which at this time I simply will not be doing.
  The characters who take up this journey in the movie ultimately end up domesticating one of these bird-like creatures which in the end is used as a weapon in the final battle with the capitalists.  In both the movie and the book the main character is involved in this journey. 
  It is also happens that the healing tree in the movie is discovered by the capitalists to be in this "craggy and scaborous" landscape. The saying "to protect and preserve the sights from which we draw our power" also happens in this part of the book (page 125). The banacour trees in the book produce a healing effect as tasting the sap from them, as described in the writing - "...could only be described as experiencing a burst of life.  It couldn't help but bring a smile to someones face".  And in the writing it is mentioned how the indigenous characters believe "all their roots lead back to this great land".
   The characters in the movie when involved with this healing tree seem to become covered in roots bringing them back to the land, and they only seem to need this tree to "create a burst of life." There are other similar descriptions amounting to this type of reaction to these trees which would have their own healing properties as well, and which grow in the Great Peat Moss Forest in the book.
  In the movie an attempt was being made to break out of the walled city by several of the characters who were being confined.  The leader of which was the strong female character Trudy.  It has been noted in a bio of the director that he prefers movies with strong female characters. 
  This part in the movie would also be another exact resemblance to what happens in the book, because Brosaline, who is one of the main characters, leads this harrowing attempt with several of her accomplices who were being confined for a period (pages 201 - 218). At one point both Brosaline/Trudy give stiff jabs to someone who tries to get in their way. They successfully flee and go to a secret camp or hideaway in the forest, which would be the same as the movie. Numbered spots are given to hideouts in the forest in the book (pages 196, 232, 237)which is the same as the movie.
  There is a  motivational speech given in the movie which was spoken by the main character when he was in indigenous form to the indigenous people intended to spark a level of enthusiasm for the coming battle with the capitalists.  The character giving this speech in the movie would not be the same as in the book, though this character in the book was indigenous and of a leading stature.  But the timing of it, and it's content and rousing capabilities was astonishing in it's resemblance to the one given in the book. And the words "brothers and sisters" are used in both.(pages 266 -271)
  When the big tree gets shot down in the movie the indigenous people seek revenge and a battle occurs.  In the book after the big drill gets shot down the capitalists seek revenge and a battle occurs.  There is mention in the movie how these indigenous use a "mountain retreat" for safety, or from which they will begin their attack.  In the book, the Grandview Plateau, which is a mountainous landscape, is where the indigenous warriors make their final stand.
   An army of indigenous was said to be "massing" for the the final battle in the movie.  This collection of attackers was displayed on screens within the militarist's complex by the use of orange, flame-colored images to display their concentrations.  These images made the forest appear to be on fire in numerous places.
  From the book, just as the capitalists were massing for the final battle, "stretched throughout the forest below hundreds of their campfires glimmered. The light that leached up through the many trees, irradiated the entire forest for quite some distance, and the puffy treetops resembled clouds floating over the Hindratian's fiery hell."
  This battle scene in the movie is also very interesting in its similarities, because there would be the initial rush or first stage when it seems that success is occurring by the attackers. In the movie it's the indigenous attacking, in the book the capitalists. Then there is somewhat of a lull when the attackers get repelled horribly.  After a brief time the battle resumes again, this time ultimately leading to a total defeat of the capitalists in both instances.  (pages 311 - 328)  The character, Uptite, in the book, and the character who would be Uptite in the movie (the muscled militarist), both die in this final battle.
  At the end of the movie all the capitalists are expelled from the planet, which is precisely what happens at the end of Bishop's Gait.  All of the capitalists are forced to stream out because their walled city has been destroyed.  (page 329)
  Next up, out takes and deleted scenes.
  Very soon into the alternate beginning, virtually the very start of the movie, the main character is watching a television where Bengal tigers are on and being described as making a comeback.  "(?)!!!!!!!"   Unfortunately, these tigers "were cloned back into existence at the Bejing zoo."  There are a few genetic/DNA types of references in this movie.
  Soon after, the main character in the movie finds himself involved in a rowdy bar scene.  This would also represent the beginning of his journey in the movie, and also in a very populated area.  Seldom, in the book, starts his journey in Ersterone, which is described as being populated to the point "where one was always within fifty paces of someone else."  Seldom too finds himself in a rowdy bar scene at the very beginning of the story (pages 17 - 21).  And in both the book and the movie an individual gets "corralled" and "ejected" from this bar.
  It is described at the beginning of his return journey how the tiger is viewed by himself and his chosen companions as the ultimate being (pages 23 -25).
  Something else which takes place at this time is when Seldom is in this bar with festive dancing and smoking and drinking occurring.  He is with a small group that is gathered at a table, when a giant hooka and some sticky buds are delivered.  Seldom listens to a man at the table say something he (because of his nature) would strongly disagree with.  For the sake of peace he doesn't respond to what this man says.
   In one of the deleted scenes in the movie, there is a scene where festive dancing and drinking is occurring by the indigenous.  A group of these characters are gathered together when some intoxicating substance is delivered to them indicating they are taking the heavy stuff.  The prop these people use to ingest this substance, because it wasn't put into the computer generated effect, i.e. they weren't blue aliens but just human characters in suits, so the prop also wasn't disguised, looks exactly like a bong.  And not a beer bong.  Then the character Grace says, 'watch that stuff, it will put you into next week."  This would match the description of the buds the characters in the book were about to ingest.  Then when one of the indigenous warriors in the movie says something to the main character that he would strongly disagree with, because of his nature, and he just let's the comment go unanswered.
   There is a scene in the out-take or extended part of the movie where some of the indigenous characters enter an abandoned school.  It is described as "being a storage area now".  The scenery of its dilapidated state would best be described by the writing in Bishop's Gait.  Because for a brief stay, a small, crumbling, abandoned town is entered by some of the indigenous warriors who by similar comparisons with the movie are acquiring "gear" or "sacks of gear" from a storage area, and who are in a rushed or hurried state.  This same statement is made by one of the characters in the movie at this time when she tells them to "hurry and keep up".  (pages 285 - 290)
   There is another scene in the extended movie where some of the indigenous warriors have attacked a mining operation.  It is at night and a large, raging fire burns from several of the bulldozers.  The scene seems to be one of both chaos and celebration.  In Bishop's Gait, the town of Knotrock experiences a type of riot when it is discovered that the capitalists have overrun the land.  There is mention in the book of how large, flickering bonfires flared up which illuminated the entire area within the town and the scene is at night and described of one being of both celebration and chaos.  And not only that, but the day after all the tumult is described similarly in both instances, "a rebellion in remission", because in the book and movie smoke slowly rises from the burnt-out wrecks and debris and bodies are strewn about either from inebriation or possible death. It was mentioned earlier how the indigenous warriors in the book attacked mining operations.  (pages 84 - 90)
   In the deleted scenes, the main character in the movie has to embark on some type of dream hunt to be accepted by his clan.  He is somewhat distraught and torn because he seems to realize that he really doesn't have any particular tie to either the capitalist side or the indigenous side because he wants or has to ultimately betray both.  This is the same dilemma that the Selowt character in the book goes through.  Because after the capitalist's discover that he has been keeping a secret from them concerning some of his former brethren, he realizes that he really has no home because he has ultimately betrayed both.  (pages 225 - 232)
   Just before the big battle in the deleted scenes in the movie, the character who would be Uptite in the book (the muscled militarist in the movie) is approached by some dissension concerning how he plans to carry out the battle.  It appears to be a pesky disturbance to him.  He grabs this individual and it is focused on how he is so war-hungry that his eyes hold "tints of insanity".  In the book, the character Uptite is approached by some concern on the future conduct of his attack just before the big battle, he does not grab the individual before him but he is so blind and war-hungry as to ignore this advice and it is mentioned how his "eyes hold tints of insanity".  (pages 313 - 315)
   The capturing Avatar segment of the DVD goes into great depth about the "technical side and the design side" of the movie.  Also, there are extensive segments about the visual side of development, the dialect that needed to be created for the characters for their language, the lavish scenery which needed to correspond to the vivid and descriptive language of the book, how the characters in the movie needed to walk to appear realistic for their parts, the costumes, which needed to appear "organic and tribal matching the the philosophy of the people", as the director puts it, though shouldn't he mean the philosophy of the aliens?  There is the wonderful RCS camera system, which is what I think this movie was all about, the army of animators and their roles and creations, the orchestras and many different singing techniques used for the music end, the choreography for the dancing scenes, and ultimately the production of the movie.  Absent greatly, however, is any mention of the writing or WHERE THE STORY CAME FROM! Where so and so was when this idea for the story occurred, or what inspired that part.  Because ALL of the above mentioned segments for the creation of this movie can't have any purpose unless there is a story to base themselves around.
  The director of this movie claims to have written the script 12 years ago.  From Scriptment Wikipedia, it says, "The scriptment for Avatar (2009) was 80 pages, and reportedly the director wrote in just two weeks". The wikipedia Avatar website says it was "rewritten" rather recently.  And from another website for an Avatar global media day, the director is quoted as saying, "It's all about servicing the story and putting the characters up on the screen."  Servicing, according to the dictionary, is the performance of maintenance or repair work to make useful, where replacement parts may be necessary.
  With ample amounts of agenda filling scenes taking place in both cases, the movie is fanatical to the right and was used as a military recruiting tool and to glorify corporations.  While the book is fanatical to the left and tries to emphasis the importance of using hemp and leading an agrarian-type lifestyle and anti-poaching efforts (how many animals were stabbed in this movie?), as well as revealing how money and religion are nothing more than methods of group control.  The movie takes place in the future, the book takes place in the past.  "An old-fashioned jungle adventure, with an environmental conscience that aspires to a mythic level of storytelling," is how the director describes it.
  In the book the indigenous have the better weapons where in the movie it's the capitalists who do.  And the way the scenes move from the city (or compound) to the forest, or from the mechanical and arbitrary to floating freedom so on and so on.
 Apparently Avatar was in 3-D, so not only did the people have cumbersome glasses on their faces, but they were being overwhelmed with special effects which served no other purpose but to bury the story. And it was PG-13, which further distanced the likelihood that I or someone who may have read my book would make any effort to see it.  PG-13 means a movie for a thirteen year-old.

-  "They wouldn't even tell me what the project was.  I had no idea!"  Yuri Bartoli

 - "I saw this little glint in Jim's eye, and I knew he was up to something.  But he didn't tell any of us.  He didn't tell me."  Josh Mclaglen, 1st assistant director

-"What's it about? The big questions of why.  Not just how you're going to do it, which of course you have to do.  But you have to know the whys.  Because that's what motivate you to actually inspire this army of people".  Rick Carter

-  "They didn't tell me about the script.  They didn't tell me who the director was."  Jake Skully ( this was the main character in the movie)

-  "Jim said that we would solve our last problem on the last day we deliver the movie.  And that held true."  Landau (By Athena Press neglecting to register the copyright they believed this would be the case.)

All of the following quotes are from the director from an interview with
-  "If you think of it as something that's sort of coauthored and parallel there's a lot of cross-talk and a lot of cooperation."

-  "........But this is a story about assimilation."  

-  "I mean, the studio guys, God love them, they signed up to write a big check for this movie and they've backed our play a hundred percent, all the way down the line, thick or thin."

-Question;  In an era when technology dominates film, what's your philosophy in using that technology to serve a story?
"The ideal movie technology is so advanced that it waves a magic wand and makes it (the story) disappear............"

-Question;  What was the spark, the first thing that made you decide that this is the film you wanted to make?
  "........It felt kind of mercenary at the time."
After this statement in the answer, Landau, the producer, makes an incoherent response.
Landau;  "When you did write it, you completed the (SP) descripment in '95, even though time passed your passion for telling, not the technologies of it, but the dramatic and character."

This is the director from an NPR interview.
-"It's just human nature that if we can take it we will........sometimes we do it in a very sophisticated way with lots of rationalization."

 -"You see floating mountains in the film.  They are never explained.  Now I have REVERSED ENGINEERED a scientific explanation of how these mountains float, but every time I tried to shoehorn it into the movie I found that it was an unnecessary explanation."

- "It's the ones that you really think you're pulling something over on the audience that were the most fun."

 This is the director from an interview about an Avatar video game.

 -"They (the video game makers) loved the story of the movie, but they didn't want to tell it.  Which I think is the key."

 -"I had to trust them to be in sync with the intentions of the film and the script."

 -"I'm not that precious about my writing.  If I hear a good idea, I'm just happy to have somebody else come up with it."

 These are just random quotes from the movie or elsewhere, or quotes that I find concerning and other usable though fragmentary pieces of similarities.

-  "She wrote the book, literally wrote the book...  She knows plants better than people."  From the movie.  The author of Bishop's Gait is an avid organic gardener, who just happens to live in a Total Information Awareness state. There is also a strange scene where two individuals are combating each other with what appears to be elongated hockey sticks.  Hmmm?
-  "It was like watching a movie in my head." From a review of Bishop's Gait.
-  "It was unusual, the auditioning process." Neyteri
-  "Punch it into burn."  From the movie. The words the pilot speaks just before chemtrails shoot from the plane.
-   There is a reference to the main character having a brother in the beginning of the movie.  Bishop, the tiger in the book, also had a brother which was stated in the beginning.
-  Arrowheads in the tires of the bulldozers.  Developers being hunted.
-  There are references to "taking the money, and the money is good," and working for the company in the movie which can also be found in the writing in the book.
-  "They (the Navi) are watching us right now."  A similar line can be found in the book about the indigenous warriors.
-  The wild dogs in the movie moved like illusions.  This happened in the fire light at night.  The same as the book.  Bishop moved like an illusion, though the remains of the fire had been scattered about.
-  "His alien scent fills my nose."  Which would resemble the "they will smell you and your pig scent," from the book.
-  "It's inevitable," not only that this takeover will happen but it has to happen.
-  The main character in the movie gets taunted from horseback.  It is said that "a rock sees more."  In the book, Seldom, gets taunted from horseback.  He is in a landscape with giant boulders strewn about.
-  "There is a core structure. Need scans on every column.  Secondary ring which is also weight bearing."  From Wikipedia Avatar, the director states he "was surprised at how much it (the tree being shot down) did look like September 11."  The twin towers both had an inner core, weight bearing-structure (47 4 -inch thick steel columns, 4 inches thick on 4 sides i.e. impenetrable)
-  The words 'camp' and 'bunk' appear together in both cases in similar situations.
-  There is a scene in the movie where a mother dog and her pups are shown 'frolicking'.  In the book it would be a mother bobcat and her kittens where both the main character and the one who would be Alinda/Zoel, because some characters have been combined, are the ones who see this.
-  An uncomfortable incident is reported to have happened at the abandoned school in the movie.  This represents the abandoned town in the book, where an uncomfortable incident occurs.
-  There is a scene in the movie where the muscled militarist walks into a room where the main character is sitting. Ultimately, it is just the two of them in the room. He gives the indication that the main character would be leaving the base thanks to the usable "intel" this character has provided.  The militarist then leaves the room leaving the main character behind.  As some of the characters have been combined in the movie, the exact same incident occurs in the book.
-  "Gas will be more humane, more or less." 
-  The character Hanus in the movie decides to order an attack after the indigenous have struck a blow.  The same as the book.
-  "He's going to blow the columns."  "Base of the west columns."  "Bring it down!"  9/11
-  There are streaming refugee similarities after the capitalist attack in both cases.
-  "Sometimes your whole life boils down into one insane move." Actual line from the movie.
-  Birds flying towards the setting sun occur in both cases.
-  "Only for our security, a preemptive attack, fight terror with terror."  Thereby making you no better than a terrorist.
-  "When you see nothing, sometimes you see everything." Line from the movie.
-  The character Hanus in the movie, is hitting golf balls towards a high granite wall.
-  When finally given the order the muscled militarist seems "eager to unleash his own ambition for personal control."  Which would be a line from the book.
-  "There was no book to look this thing up."  From the director.
-  "We were way out in the unknown, but that's cool, that's where I like to be."  Director
-  "It was an emotional journey set in a world beyond anything certainly I could have imagined."  "We proposed to Fox."         Landau
-   "It needed to be director centered, give him the tool set he needed to work with."  From Capturing Avatar.
-  "That was by design, we knew we were doing that."  "Maybe we were crazy, but we never doubted it would work."  Director
-  "The time came when all of the sudden we really had to make this film." Landau
-  "We really had to jump through a lot of hoops to bring this experience to the audience." Director
-  "We knew the basic overall size."  Landau
-  Respect for the bow, focus and breathing.  Description by director, which would mirror lines from the book.
-  Sec-ops was written on side of helicopter.
-  "Stand by what we do, and keep telling the story."  Director
-  "There were spiritual moments, and huge, epic, heroic moments."  Director
-  And finally, the base on Pandora was called - "Hell's Gate/Gait.

-  "How far would you go to take down a man that stole everything from you?"  "David England has set me up!"  This is how the next movie that Sam Worthington (Man on a Ledge) was in was advertised. The name of the P.M. of 'England' is?

"I tell you now that freemasonry is one of the most wicked and terrible organizations upon this earth...Their house is a stinking cesspool."
William Cooper (author)

The open profession by the director to being the "king of the world" is really a code for proclaiming to be an unrepentant materialist, (a.k.a. Rex Mundi), who was regarded as the God of evil, lord of the material world. "Of course I love all this hardware stuff.  I'm a equated engineer." The director from Capturing Avatar.

The symbol for the special effects company for Avatar, WETA, is an aggressive looking cricket.  The cricket, like the freemason, will speak without using its mouth.

Protector of English freemasons. A title assumed by King Edward VII on his accension to the throne of England in 1901.

"But so anxious is the Order to be unembarrassed by all political influences, that treason, however discountenanced by the Craft, is not held as a crime which is amenable to masonic punishment...if a brother should rebel against the State he is not to be countenanced in his rebellion, however he may be pitied as an unhappy man...though the loyal brotherhood must and ought to disown his rebellion and give no umbrage or ground of political jealousy to the government for the time being, they can not expel him from the Lodge, and his relation to it remains indefeasible."  Encyclopedia of freemasonry Vol 2 page 836

All shall bring their knowledge, powers and possessions into the community.  His property shall be merged and he shall offer his counsel and judgement to the Order.

How does "a theocracy wherein nations would be no more than provinces, their leaders but protoconsuls in the service of a world occult government consisting of an elite" sound to you?

The symbol for Athena Press appears to be a helmeted woman.  Many intrinsic masonic symbols constitute this design however.  First there are five (or pent) triangles evenly spaced and disconnected from the apparent helmet.  The triangle is one of the most constant forms of masonic symbolism.  Five (or pent) of them represent the good or evil principle, order or disorder, light or darkness, morning or evening star, etc... The two opposing sides of freemasonry, the Law of One, and the Son's of Belial, both polar opposites in their morality or politics, both sworn to secrecy to serve the overall order,(essentially making no difference between them) thus lean on each other forming the pyramid, or immovable object.  The helmet itself of Athena serves two purposes.  The first is that the bottom part denotes a ring, wide at both the top and the bottom and thin in the middle, or how the ring of Saturn would appear surrounding the planet from a distance.  The worship of Saturn was a Roman festival celebrating orgiastic revelry.  The other purpose the helmet serves is that of the sun with it's round shape and five triangle rays shooting outward.  This symbolizes the compass or the four cardinal points which the precession of the zodiac signs take up at any given time. Also possibly the four cardinal masonic virtues.  The number nine can also be discerned where Athena's helmet and hair meet. The number nine in the occult represents the earth under evil influences. It is the most evil number because of it's stability, being three three's. Also, there are 9 true degrees to this man fraternity, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 9th, 18th, 30th, 31st, 32nd and 33rd. Since Athena Press was an English company, this symbol signifies the greater and lesser 'lights' philosophy of freemasonry.  The greater believing the right to farm from the lesser. Bishop's Gait would be described as being a cowan (try finding that word in a modern dictionary) or a lesser profane, thereby justly deserving of being ripped off.  Lastly, poor Athena has been suffered to bear the phallic symbol which is disguised as her hair.  This symbol of course denotes the futile and confused worship of man as an invigorating power.  Also, with the Egyptian origins of this phallic worship there is a strange connection with this symbol and the destruction or the deprivation of the sun's light.   Just like chemtrail spraying.
Emerson's take on the foolish Israelite's will close it out best, - "Let no God speak to us, lest we die.  Speak thou, speak any man with us, and we will obey!"

"...and they resolved to construct a House of Solomon in the island of Bensalem, where they might communicate their instructions by means of secret symbols.  To cover their mysterious designs, they got themselves admitted into the Masons' Company, and held their meetings at Masons' Hall, in Masons' Alley, Basinghall Street. As freemen of London, they took the name of freemason, and naturally adopted the masonic implements as symbols. Although this association, like the Royal Society, sought, but by a different method, to inculcate the principles of natural science and philosophy, it subsequently took a political direction.  Most of its members were strongly opposed to the puritanism of the dominant party and were in favor of the royal cause, and hence their meetings, ostensibly held for the purpose of scientific investigation, were really used to conceal their secret political efforts to restore the exiled house of Stuart.  From this society, which subsequently underwent a decadence, sprang the revival in 1717, which culminated in the establishment of the Grand Lodge of England."

"This spirit of instant obedience and submission to authority constitutes the great safe guard of the Institution.  Freemasonry more resembles a military than a political organization.  The order must at once be obeyed; its character and its consequences may be matters of subsequent inquiry.  The masonic rule of obedience is like the nautical, imperitive: "obey orders, even if you break owners."

"Once a mason, always a mason. That is to say, no man, having once been initiated into it's sacred rites, can, at his own pleasure or caprice, divest himself of the obligations and duties which, as a mason, he has assumed....The knot which binds him to the fraternity has been tied by himself, and is indissoluble... He can not release himself from his obligations to the regulation, which requires every mason to be a number of one."

"Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity - an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect....the visible society is a splendid camaraderie of 'free and accepted' men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret most august fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious arcanum arcanorum (secret of secrets)." Manly P. Hall

"From this time, Great Britain became the seat of our sciences, the conservatrix of our laws, and the depository of our secrets."